We got an appointment with the #SUGARARMY for the 07th of July 15:00 (GMT) !

5 min readJun 21, 2021
Space “S” will be soon on the moon!

The last weekend we launched our first ever presale of the $SGFuel token for our community that has grown so much over the previous month. It was an eye-opening and educational experience for all of our team and community. As with any project or undertaking, iterations must be made and changes implemented as lessons are learnt in order to move forward and continue to improve. As we want to look more after our community, we decided to go on with a different approach to give something back. So we will start our fair launch on the 7th of July with ownership renounced and burn of the CAKE-LP !

What is a “Fair Launch”? 🙌

Recently, we have intensely reviewed and defined a fairer, more trustworthy approach to give the best experience to our community.

No ICOs, no private sales and no pre-mining. Anyone in the community can participate and purchase.

SuGarFuel Token Launcher 💰

The purpose of the launch is to allow all participants to join our thriving ecosystem: same rules apply in exchange for a sustainable alternative. We will open the public sale on 2021/07/07 at 15:00 GMT on PanCakeSwap.

  • 100% Community Token
  • No Ownership
  • Anti Rug Pull Burn
  • Static reflections
  • Anti-whale system
  • Community Wallet

Only for the Community 👥

SugarFactoryBsc is a fully focused community based project — no scam dev and no rug spirit. Our very first community token, $SGFuel, is a deflationary token designed with the sole purpose of intertwining the Arts and Blockchain. Our token was created with the intention to support the important work of our dedicated team and to boost future implementations within our ecosystem.

Ownership renounced 👋

With too many fraudulent projects in the current landscape, it is clear that contract ownership has a high probability to result in dishonest behaviour. However, renouncing ownership of the contract will result in a greater confidence for the investor in the project SugarFactoryBsc.

Burn of the $CAKE-LP 🔥

After adding liquidity to the fair launch in form of BNB, we will send the CAKE-LP (token received in return for adding liquidity to PancakeSwap and use to reclaim the share) to a burn address. Which means the token will be no longer in our hands. The team will not longer be able to trade or operate with the SuGarFuel Tokens nor the investment of the BNB provided by this CAKE-LP.

How it works:

  • The Token LP will be destroyed and we will not be able to retrieve the LP. The Pancake liquidity still exists and nothing will change within the $SGFuel Liquidity pool, providing confidence that your money cannot be rugged.
  • The act of burning the Token LP is completely safe from impermanent loss; meaning that the liquidity tokens will always stay inside the PancakeSwap liquidity pool indefinitely. This is great for investors as there will always be the initial liquidity provided within the CAKE-LP by SugarFactoryBsc and the devs cannot remove liquidity from the pools to drain investors funds.

Static rewards ♻️

Our RFI Static rewards to earn passive rewards through static reflection as they witness their balance of $SGFuel grow endlessly. Holders will see that 10% of each transaction contributes to fuel the PancakeSwap LP, a further proportion of the transaction is distributed back to the holders and the maintenance wallet.

100% Whale-Free 🐳

Benefits are always in the hands of the holders. A selling tax ensures to our community that the buying pressure will always be greater than the selling pressure.

Purchasing above a certain percentage of the SuGarFuel Token and/or moving between two wallets will result in a BNB tax.

Governance Wallet 👛

The Governance Wallet Address is publicly available and holds a total amount of 520,000,000 SugarFuelTokens. The use of these tokens will only be available to our community and within our ecosystem.

How it works:

  • For the development of our network and ecosystem we will organise art contests and challenge programs to incentivise artists within our community, in addition to partnerships and collabarations with other projects, bounty programs, etc.

We would like to have the opportunity also to have our token listed on other exchanges in order to expand our ecosystem within the blockchain. The usage of the wallet can ONLY be decided through a community vote.


With this “Fair Launch” we want to create something equitable for everyone. This is a community built project where no allocation $SGFuel will be given to a member of the SugarFactoryBsc Team. Complete transparency and a decentralized token bound by the SuGarFuel Token smart contract with no admin keys or asset back. The CAKE-LP is sent to a burn address which locks the liquidity into the market so that it cannot be rug pulled; the SuGarFuel Token will remain available to be traded forever. The liquidity provided by the purchasing of the tokens will always be there to support and back up the $SGFuel token with its reflections.





the next

generation of Artists!

Network: https://biglink.to/SugarFactoryBsc

© 2021 SugarFactoryBsc — Tha Doge Pound




Lead the New Generation of Artists into Blockchain!