SugarFactoryBsc will hold it’s first Rap Challenge this August.

“Success” — a single word always at the forefront of every young artist’s mind. How can I increase my visibility to a wider audience in this ultra-competitive landscape? Or how can I follow in the footsteps of those before me whilst still making my own name in the world? So many questions reside in the minds of those who decide to take the plunge…
1. SugarFactoryBsc presents 1M2S (1 Minute To Smoke) it’s first ever Art Competition.
SugarFactoryBsc is the first ever crypto project to open a Freestyle Battle Competition with cash prizes and more up for grabs. The competition will be available on our to watch on our Instagram page.
Every month we will host a challenge related to the arts and music industries in general. We want to encourage thriving artists to adopt this new concept and open the door to industry changing crypto and blockchain technology.

2. How it works?
We will choose only the first best 100 videos to be posted on our Instagram Page where the vote will be held. To be part of the 100 selected competitors, please submit your videos that meet the following criteria:
- The videos must have a maximum time of one minute.
- The videos must be recorded all at once without playback.
- The participants must mention “1MinuteToSmoke” and use a series of tags that we will announce before the contest.
- The quality of the video must be sufficient enough to be reposted on our page for the final vote.
- Special conditions will be imposed depending on the event. E.g. performing on a specific instrumental or in a specific style, imposed words and etc.

These contest rules should encourage all participants to diversify their content in order to stand out and win!
3. Building for the next generation of Artists !
Thanks to social media networks and the internet in general, new artists are constantly emerging. With this brilliant new concept that will give hope to a new wave of artists, we want to allow young talents to showcase their skills in the discipline of Freestyle while simultaneously discovering the power of blockchain technology and all it has to offer!
We hope this competition will shed a light on upcoming artists and provide them with a platform to perform and show their talents. It will also provide an opportunity to join our roster of artists and to utilize our production capabilities for future artistic projects!

• Winner — $250 cash
• Second Place — $100 Cash
• Third Place — 2,000,000 SGFuel tokens
We don’t want to just discover talent, we want to build and nurture it. Show us your unique Talent & Go Get Smoked!
© 2021 SugarFactoryBsc — Tha Doge Pound