How to add $SGFuel token logo on you MetaMask browser!

When users opens their MetaMask, they are shown a variety of assets, including tokens. By default, MetaMask auto-detects some major popular tokens and auto-displays them, but for most tokens, the user will need to add the token themselves.
Did you know users can registering and adding the SuGarFuel Token logo by adding the token themselves to their MetaMask ?
Take advantage of the Code-free Example provided by MetaMask with this live web application that let you enter your token details, and then add it to your wallet with a simple click.

2. Connect to your MetaMask wallet.

3. Fill out the form provided by MetaMask:
Token Name* SuGarFuel Token
Token Address* 0xFe2820f741F6e7776a4931879871156926986e7C
Token Symbol* SGFuel
Token Decimals* 18
Token Network Id* 56
Token Image URL*

4. Click on “WATCH IN WALLET”.

5. Click on “Add Token”.
Now you can display the SuGarFuel Token logo on your MetaMask wallet browser !
NB: ***This article contain content taken from the MetaMask Zendesk repo:
“How to add a token logo — MetaMask” and simplified for the lector.
Other link: guide MetaMask to Binance Chain — Connecting
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